
South Africa during Apartheid

This shows life under apartheid in pictures. Many in the western world fail to realise that white people stood up and protested against apartheid in South Africa. You will see some of these protests which took place at the University of Cape Town.

There is a minority of South Africans who would like to portray the past as a time of peace, stability and abundance. That is far from reality. Free speech was not permitted, protesting was not allowed. Afrikaners were given priority treatment over other ethnic groups. With the rural afrikaners looking down at english speakers as inferior. People were forced to do military service--abuse took place in the military training camps. Some people who did not fit in society were sent to psychiatric hospitals given electric shock therapies (Truth & Reconcilliation Commission discovered gay people were forced to have shock treatment or sex changes). Black people were secretly sterilised against their knowledge. Opposition in the country was put down at any cost, religious minsters were sent letter bombs, people were murdered, Ruth First, a Jewish communist, was murdered by the police. The police murdered white and black people who opposed them. Let us not forget to mention all of the murders of black activists. Many times the country was on the brink of civil war, with State of Emergencies being imposed on the country. Hardly a land of utopia.

The list is almost endless. We should never forget the past, otherwise we are destined to repeat it. The video will stay to give testimony of the past, because there is so much denial that exists even today of the past.

Even God's own ministers were not safe in South Africa in a country that claimed to be Christian. I believe God looked down on South Africa with much sadness, and chose to finally put an end of the suffering that took place.

Warning there are some shocking pictures.

[written by Robert "robtuk31"AUg 27, 2006)

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